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March 2, 2022

Episode 71: Hysterical Women

Episode 71: Hysterical Women

Sarah and Amy sit down to kick off Women's History month with a lively conversation surrounding women's issues that are not talked about enough.  They break down the hilarious stand up of Sasheer Zamata why tampon commercials are doing a disservice to wo...

Sarah and Amy sit down to kick off Women's History month with a lively conversation surrounding women's issues that are not talked about enough.  They break down the hilarious stand up of Sasheer Zamata why tampon commercials are doing a disservice to women everywhere. Also, did you know the pain women feel during period cramps is the same as the pain felt during a heart attack? 

How do we stop the stigma, the shame, and the myths surrounding all things women? We talk about it, of course. Listen in and share the episode with someone who you think might need a laugh or perhaps a guy in your life who might need to understand a few things.

Before getting into the period talk, the ladies share some podcast recommendations and things that are helping keep their anxiety lowered. We have skipped the pre-show banter over the last few episodes so we hope you enjoy this one. 

Stay Wild and Weird Warriors! 


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